Palm öppnar sitt WebOS. Öppen Sås FTW!
Palm visar framfötterna med att öppna upp deras mobila os WebOS, som finns på min blivande mobil Palm Pre, eller Palm Pixi =)

Palm has just announced a number of changes its webOS development platform that should really be welcomed by developers. They are fully blessing application distribution outside of the App Catalog, open source developers will no longer have to pay a dime to have their applications in the App Catalog, and Palm will also open up all their analytical data for developers to use. Instant update: the official press release is out too.

The biggest news is probably that Palm is officially blessing the distribution of applications outside of its own App Catalog. "What this means is that developers can simply submit their apps to Palm, and Palm will return to them a URL that they can then blog, tweet, do whatever they want to share it. When a person then clicks on that URL they can easily install the app, bypassing any kind of store,"writes TechCrunch, who attended the event, "And while Palm is providing the URL, it is not going to be reviewing the apps in any way - a clear dig at Apple's approval process."

Helt klart grymt. Nu har ju Googles mobila OS android, funkat på ett liknande sett i ett år nu, men det hör inte till saken.

via // osnews
