För en vecka sedan fick jag en uppgift av en kär vän, jag skulle skriva ett inlägg om en hemsk händelse.
Jag har nu suttit i en vecka, och bara inte klarat av att skriva något.
Jag har snyftat, gråtit, men inte lyckats få ner ett välskrivet, sakligt inlägg.

Så jag kommer helt enkelt bara kopiera hans inlägg rakt av. Jag orkar bara inte. Det är helt enkelt för laddat.

Jag uppmanar även alla mina bloggvänner, stora som små att föra vidare budskapet. Skriv ett inlägg, lägg en länk, uppmärksamma det på vilket sett ni vill. Bara det kommer ut.

I’d like to tell you a story, i’d like you to listen when I #Talk-about-it.

Imagine that you have for the last week before thanksgiving been wondering why your 11 year old daughter has been more than a little depressed, locking herself in her room and not wanting to go to school in the mornings.

On thanksgiving you receive a call at work, its from the principal of the school your daughter attends, he would like you to come by and sit down, there’s been a development involving your daughter at school.

As you arrive at the school you see one of the teachers sitting in the principals office, crying, unable to stem the tide of tears..

You sit down, something caught in your throath, it wont go away even when you try to swallow, you mouth drying up from the weird vibes in the room.

“You’re no doubt wondering why you’re here. I regret to inform you that we found a cellphone containing a video today. we’ve reported it to the police.”

Your heart is racing, you know that between the eviction notice and the other kids you haven’t really been able to give everyone part of your time.

“Sir, your daughter was on that video, she’s been raped. repeatedly.”
You dry up completely, the confusion total, the room spins, your cell rings.

As you pick it up you notice that it’s your wife, as you hurridly answer it you hear your wife’s trembling and sobbing voice.

“they’ve taken the kids, they are searching through our laundry!”

Your world falls apart.

The coming week when you try to go to work, knowing that your beloved kids have been taken by the social service and placed in foster care due to threats on your daughters life and them considering you and your wife unfit parents.

 you start hearing the whispers, wishing they were just back alley rumours.

 “She asked for it”

“Did you see that tart dress she wore when playing in the quarters?”

 as you lumber into the break room and open the newspaper, the news regarding your daughters rape is reported as “she deserved it, wearing that dark makeup”.

 During the sunday sermon at the church, the priest opens up with a prayer for your daughter, your heart warms, the community finally gathers around you, trying to mend the rift that has tore the society apart.

 “Let’s join in a prayer, lets pray that she finds her way and stop her lies”

The betrayal complete, your heart sinking through the floor, what remained of your good heart trampled upon the carpet lining the pillar of your society.

 Now I don’t know if this is how the event played out itself. I can’t say. But what I do know is this.

An 11 year old girl was raped. she stepped into the wrong car with a young adult she trusted.
He forced her to undress by threats of grievous violence, she was raped in a house by several other young adults.

 Upon the arrival of a relative to one of the boys, they fled through a back window, bringing the girl to an abandoned trailer in an area known as “the quarters” — really in this day and age there’s still places called that? thought that ended in the beginnings of the 19th century — where the rape continued.

 Some of the men present recorded videos on their cellphones as well as taking pictures of the girl whilst she was being raped.

 Now knowing that the police has arrested 18 men for this, and have at this moment 10 others under suspicion. i’d venture to say that this is one of the most brutal cases of sexual assault i’ve ever read about.

 What i’d like all of you reading this to think about is this.

An 11 year old girl, was raped repeatedly by 28 men. one of which was 27.
i’d like you all to understand that this isn’t just rape or sexual assault, this is pedophilia.

Now the local media is reporting this as being her own fault for “dressing the way she did”, “wearing makeup” and “fashion more appropriate to a woman in her 20s” and also asking “where were her mother”

 All of which are utterly irrelevant, they raped her. not just once, but allegedly 28 times. and were proud of it.

 Parading around the photos and videos around school and town as if it was something to be proud of.

 Something that some of you reading the articles also will need to understand is that yes, some were criminals, but most were sons of the community leaders.
so there you have it. the town, the church and the people have already turned against her, for reasons unbecoming.
Its a damn wonder this even caught the attention of the police in that town.
people like myself and Liz are trying to find a direct way to donate towards her future. to give her something long-term that most in the US lack, an education and a way to strive onwards.
Me and my family are ready to donate $100 towards such a fund.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5



  1. Ja, vad fasen säger man om detta? Hur i hela världen kan man få en våldtäkt att bli till något man bett om!? Inte finns det väl en endaste människa som VILL bli våldtagen!? Eller jo, det finns det väl säkert, men inte en 11 åring tjej.
    Och alla ska väl ändå ha rätt till att klä sig som de vill, utan att det ger någon rätt att våldta denne?
    Usch vad jag blir arg!!
    Och att de har mage att skylla detta på henne och föräldrarna, istället för de män som faktiskt utförde våldtäkterna. Det är ju så att man inte vill skaffa barn själv, om det är såhär det kommer bli om ens dotter (eller son för den delen) utsätts för detta.
    Att man, istället för att få stöd från samhället när man som mest behöver det, kommer pekas ut som en dålig förälder, ett monster, någon okapabel till att ta hand om sina barn. För något som någon annan har gjort. För något man själv inte kunnat förhindra.
    Det är sjukt.
    Att de dessutom får sina barn omhändertagna.. Som om de inte har det jobbigt nog.

    Jag hoppas inte att det var någon som sa att rättsväsendet "är så jäkla bra nu för tiden". För det ser vi ju alla att det inte är.

  2. En människa skall kunna gå naken genom ett område utan att ngn ens skall försöka.

  3. Anonym4:28 em

    samtidigt så har socialen inga större problem att skicka tillbaka ungar till knarkande/supande föräldrar å får skador för livet å de föräldrarna får stöd... helt sjukt föräldrarna till den tjejen har mitt stöd i alla l fall

  4. Precis, man ska kunna gå på torget naken utan att någon förgriper sig på en..
    Verkligen hemskt. Precis allt. Usch..
    Jag vet inte ens vad jag ska säga faktiskt.... :'(


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